record of solving HDLbits problem.
Vector1 $display ("This is a test number: %b." , num); $write ("This is a test" );$write ("number: %b" , num); $strobe ("$strobe excuting result: %d." , a); $monitor ("Counter change to value %d at the time %t." , cnt, $time );
Unpacked vs. Packed Arrays reg [7:0] mem [255:0]; // 256 unpacked elements, each of which is a 8-bit packed vector of reg. reg mem2 [28:0]; // 29 unpacked elements, each of which is a 1-bit reg.
Gatesv100 短版 #bit操作 given a 100-bit input vector in[99:0],
out_both: out_both[98] = in[98] & in[99]
out_any: out_any[2] = in[1] | in[0]
out_different: out_different[98] = in[98] ^ in[99], but wrapping around.module top_module( input [99 :0 ] in, output [98 :0 ] out_both, output [99 :1 ] out_any, output [99 :0 ] out_different ); assign out_both = in[98 :0 ] & in[99 :1 ]; assign out_any = in[99 :1 ] | in[98 :0 ]; assign out_different = in[99 :0 ] ^ {in[0 ],in[99 :1 ]}; endmodule
Mux9to1v case 要寫在 always 裡面
Mux256to1 變動index居然可行
module top_module( input [255 :0 ] in, input [7 :0 ] sel, output out ); assign out = in[sel]; endmodule
Mux256to1v 謝謝你Verilog-2001, 6.4 Vector Bit Selects and Part Selects
module top_module( input [1023 :0 ] in, input [7 :0 ] sel, output [3 :0 ] out ); assign out = in[sel*4 +: 4 ]; endmodule
Exams/m2014 q4j 果然有詐, 寫太多加法器思維被困住.如果使用位连接符 {x+y},那么结果就会被限制为 4 bit 数。
module top_module ( input [3 :0 ] x, input [3 :0 ] y, output [4 :0 ] sum); assign sum = x + y ; endmodule
Exams/ece241 2014 q1c 很酷的溢為位, 負數最高bit為0一是正正相加,产生正溢出;另一种情况是负负相减,产生负溢出。
module top_module ( input [7 :0 ] a, input [7 :0 ] b, output [7 :0 ] s, output overflow ); assign s = a + b; assign overflow = (~a[7 ] & ~b[7 ] & s[7 ]) | (a[7 ] & b[7 ] & ~s[7 ]); endmodule assign out = ~a&b&~c&~d
Kmap4 很過分的一題, 用卡諾圖反而難解.
module top_module( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out ); function result; input [3 :0 ] abcd; begin case (abcd) 4'b0100 : result = 1 ; 4'b0001 : result = 1 ; 4'b1000 : result = 1 ; 4'b1101 : result = 1 ; 4'b0111 : result = 1 ; 4'b0010 : result = 1 ; 4'b1011 : result = 1 ; 4'b1110 : result = 1 ; default : result = 0 ; endcase end endfunction assign out = result({a,b,c,d}); endmodule
Exams/ece241 2014 q3 題目有點令人費解, 簡單來說, top_module 只與 cd有關 而mux_in[0]則是00時c與d的sop, 也就是卡諾圖的第一直排.
module top_module ( input c, input d, output [3 :0 ] mux_in ); assign mux_in[0 ] = c | d; assign mux_in[1 ] = 0 ; assign mux_in[2 ] = ~d; assign mux_in[3 ] = c & d; endmodule
Dff8p 16進位簡寫是可以的
always @(negedge clk) q <= reset ? 'h34 : d;
Exams/2014 q4a 巢狀結構if簡寫是可以的
always @(posedge clk) Q <= L ? R : (E ? w : Q);
Edgecapture 犯蠢了, 不小心在always裡面重新定義了輸出
if out_tmp <= 0 ;out_tmp <= ~in & in_dly | out_tmp;
out_tmp <= (reset) ? 0 : ~in & in_dly | out_tmp;
Dualedge 在 posedge 對上一個時間 negedge 跟 d xor 立 開始 flag (不論1或0), 在 negedge 對上一個時間 posedge 跟 d xor 立 結束 flag (不論1或0), q 就是 開始flag 跟結束 flag 的 xor
module top_module ( input clk, input d, output q ); reg q_d1; reg q_d2; always @(posedge clk) q_d1 <= d ^ q_d2; always @(negedge clk) q_d2 <= d ^ q_d1; assign q = q_d1 ^ q_d2; endmodule
Lfsr32 部分映射, 部分xor
module top_module( input clk, input reset, output [31 :0 ] q ); always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) q <= 32'h1 ; else q <= {q[0 ]^0 , q[31 :23 ],q[22 ]^q[0 ],q[21 :3 ], q[2 ]^q[0 ], q[1 ]^q[0 ]}; end endmodule
Exams/ece241 2013 q12 直接concatenate居然可以當index!
module top_module ( input clk, input enable, input S, input A, B, C, output Z ); reg [0 :7 ] Q; always @(posedge clk) begin if (enable) Q <= {S, Q[0 :6 ]}; end assign Z = Q[{A,B,C}]; endmodule
Fsm3onehot 居然oneHot是可以平坦化解釋的transition. 支援多條件判斷.
module top_module( input in, input [3 :0 ] state, output [3 :0 ] next_state, output out); parameter A=0 , B=1 , C=2 , D=3 ; assign next_state[A] = state[0 ]&(~in) | state[2 ]&(~in); assign next_state[B] = state[0 ]&(in) | state[1 ]&(in) | state[3 ]&(in); assign next_state[C] = state[1 ]&(~in) | state[3 ]&(~in); assign next_state[D] = state[2 ]&(in); assign out = state[3 ]==1 ; endmodule
Exams/ece241 2013 q4 思路, 照表格輸出fr1~fr3, dfr特例輸出, 有兩個特性 一是要在clk判斷, 做輸出變化 再來,是要跟舊的state做判斷 因此獨立出來
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, input [3 :1 ] s, output fr3, output fr2, output fr1, output dfr ); reg [3 :1 ] s_prev; reg dfr_temp; always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin s_prev = 3'b000 ; dfr_temp = 1 ; {fr3,fr2,fr1,dfr} = 4'b1111 ; end else begin if ( s != s_prev ) begin dfr_temp = s < s_prev; s_prev = s; end else dfr_temp = dfr_temp; case (s) 3'b000 : {fr3,fr2,fr1,dfr} = {3'b111 ,dfr_temp}; 3'b001 : {fr3,fr2,fr1,dfr} = {3'b011 ,dfr_temp}; 3'b011 : {fr3,fr2,fr1,dfr} = {3'b001 ,dfr_temp}; 3'b111 : {fr3,fr2,fr1,dfr} = {3'b000 ,dfr_temp}; endcase end end endmodule
Lemmings2 多兩個state, FALL_L, FALL_R 比較簡潔, 比起多一個reg來的方便快速. 用state描述狀態, 減少判斷.
Lemmings4 小時候很喜歡的旅鼠遊戲最終章 對於死亡的判定(20 or 21 clk)弄了蠻久的. 依舊是個很漂亮的FSM
module top_module( input clk, input areset, input bump_left, input bump_right, input ground, input dig, output walk_left, output walk_right, output aaah, output digging ); parameter LEFT=3'd0 , RIGHT=3'd1 , FALL_L=3'd2 , FALL_R=3'd3 , DIG_L=3'd4 , DIG_R=3'd5 , DIE = 3'd6 ; reg [2 :0 ] state, next_state; reg [4 :0 ] fall_count = 5'd0 ; always @(*) begin case (state) LEFT: next_state <= !ground ? FALL_L : (dig ? DIG_L : (bump_left ? RIGHT : LEFT)); RIGHT: next_state <= !ground ? FALL_R : (dig ? DIG_R : (bump_right ? LEFT : RIGHT)); FALL_L: next_state <= fall_count > 5'd20 && ground ? DIE : (!ground ? FALL_L : LEFT); FALL_R: next_state <= fall_count > 5'd20 && ground ? DIE : (!ground ? FALL_R : RIGHT); DIG_L: next_state <= !ground ? FALL_L : DIG_L; DIG_R: next_state <= !ground ? FALL_R : DIG_R; DIE: next_state <= DIE; endcase end always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin if (areset) state <= LEFT; else begin state <= next_state; if (!ground && fall_count < 5'd31 ) fall_count <= fall_count + 5'd1 ; else if (!ground && fall_count == 5'd31 ) fall_count <= fall_count; else fall_count <= 5'd0 ; end end always @(*) begin case (state) LEFT: {walk_left,walk_right,aaah,digging} <= 'b1000 ; RIGHT: {walk_left,walk_right,aaah,digging} <= 'b0100 ; FALL_L: {walk_left,walk_right,aaah,digging} <= 'b0010 ; FALL_R: {walk_left,walk_right,aaah,digging} <= 'b0010 ; DIG_L: {walk_left,walk_right,aaah,digging} <= 'b0001 ; DIG_R: {walk_left,walk_right,aaah,digging} <= 'b0001 ; DIE: {walk_left,walk_right,aaah,digging} <= 'b0000 ; endcase end endmodule